A Reflective Take Inwards

4 min readApr 12, 2022


This article was initially written on April 13th 2021.
I saved it for one year and I am now re-visiting to give myself further insight into my ideals & structures when participating in financial markets.

Any revisions or updates thoughts I will write outlined in bold.

In this undying & relentless bull run that we are so ever heavenly graced by for what seems to be an everlasting eternity one must remain centered. Check yo MF’n chakras boish n gurls.

Far too often the 200iq’s & MIT post grads are beaten with falling knives in dark alleys behind Binance HQ. Astoundingly these peepz are punished for their big brains & excessive “quantitative data”.
They’re demise comes around to the age old idiom of “KISS”

Damn this rings louder 1 year later — some of the presumed “prophets” have lost touch with their ways as markets evolve & mature further

Their are four primary elements to investing whether that be real estate, assets, commodities, bonds, etc.

Fundamental Analysis

This is an opinion formed on behalf of multiple factors including but not limited to…

  • earnings calls & company financials
  • macroeconomics
    (state of economy, gov. activities, global stasis & others)
  • microeconomics
    (CEO behavior, company events, product releases & others)

Technical Analysis

This is an opinion formed on behalf of analyzing quantifiable data & applying a variety of techniques to data point charts (Market Cap, Unit Price) such as trend lines, Fibonacci references, volume profiles & other various methods.

Market Mentality

This is the process & procedure of nuances & miniscule details that affect the general investor on a broad spectrum.
Lul wut?

Ok- It’s easily the most complicated & inexplicable part of investing & the perspective / reality can vary from minute to minute- quite literally.
To trim back the fat you can view it essentially as how the following groups of humans react to events

  • Retail Investors
  • “Smart Money” & VC’s
  • Centralized Corporations
  • Decentralized Corporations
  • No-coiners & Joe Blow

The type of events that can have direct effects on the market are varying
They can be included but not limited to…

  • Natural disasters, political instability, tragedies, viral occurrences
  • Influencer Participation
    (promo posts, shills & fud, a bad tweet-…literally)
  • Financial turmoil, inflation, recession, federal behavior

Your Emotion

Arguably the MOST important factor behind investing in ANYTHING.


You are driving the bus — The Bus is full of children aged 4–12.
Are you going to drive cautiously, check your mirrors & come to a full stop every time? Utilizing every tool you were taught in order to command that 10 ton steel tube of importance safely & efficiently to its destination


It’s difficult to explain in layman's terms how to control one’s emotions because im not a registered psychotherapist…BUT- if I were one I would tell you to eat your fruits & “find yourself” (whatever that means)

If you don’t have a purpose to your existence yet & you wake up with that emptiness & anxiety every morning — then investing isn’t for you as dark & sad as that may sound.
The journey of life is long & grand — going to the casino on your last dollar without a meal in your belly — statistically, doesn’t end too well.

I recommend breathing, learning & researching until you know it’s time.
IF you’re still asking if it’s time — it’s probably not — OR just fkn pull the trigger & utilize proper risk management with your decisions.

Famed Pumper IvanOnTech once said… “Respek Ze Pamp”...
One thing I have come to learn repeatedly is that people who come from more vibrant & eccentric cultures utilize sayings that are misinterpreted through language barriers. If one cannot respect the beauty of the pump — or the dump, then how do you expect to make money off it?

Case in point

You have $100,000

You are deciding to purchase Asset 1 OR Asset 2 in January — both cost $10.
You purchase Asset 1 and 2 months pass — By March Asset 1 lost $5 in value (50%)— Asset 2 on the other hand has increased in value by $10 (100%) in the same time period.

You have $50,000

Frustration develops because you are losing now.
To cope; you sell Asset 1 for the 50% loss
You then buy Asset 2 at its new highest price because of FOMO
(Fear Of Missing Out) & you are too smart to be left behind this time.
After you “Re-Balance” your portfolio Asset 2 price falls by 85% because it’s over extended & you bought the top.

You have $7500

You’ve now lost all your money “chasing pumps”.

wojak circa q1 ’22

So as ser Ivan stated…
We must respek ze pamp because if you don’t enjoy others success how can you claim your victory & celebrate with those around you?

