A priest, a rabbi & THE FEDS walk into a bar…


2 min readApr 12, 2021

A secret (ok-not so secret) lil’ black (ok-not black) Beige Book lays in wait to alter the course of all investors P/L on Tuesday, April 14th, 2021.
Although special it’s not a blue moon occurrence.
The Beige Book report is published eight times per year by the Federal Reserve on behalf of the ‘Murican Peepz!

To summarize; each Fed Bank collects data & analytics regarding economic conditions/quality. This data is drawn through through reports from Bank/Branch directors as well as interviews with key players in the financial industry. The Beige Book profiles & highlights this info for the Feds to adapt their current plans & allow the economy to adjust as they see fit.

If you look to chart left; in March when the previous Beige Book report was released market reception was positive for 1–3 days before waning & retracing. I am speculating whether the April 14th Beige Book will repeat history or alter the course of events.

Markets are typically hunting for humility / liquidity
(mental / fundamental)
Imo; it appears to be a pump on April 14th to rally retail & excite the masses Cryptos + majority stocks will then rally between April 16th to April 23rd
Likely we retrace the traditional market & $COIN pump so 1+1 = 2
- the crypto markets react accordingly.

Additionally retraces are typical for most IPO debuts unless there’s some white swan purpose as to why it sustains (i.e #btc catalyst — Apple / Amazon / Walmart balance sheet ?)

VC Smart money & IPO riders are in from long ago; profit taking is typical early on while old investors swap hands with new investors for the new phase of “retail public stock price discovery”.
SO… we are obviously starin’ the barrel right down the center.
As Mr. Brian Fantana once said… “60% of the time it works every time”
SO; to tell whether we are graced for pamp or doomed for damp is an equivocal choice; one must use the force…

TDLR: Need more data I’ve been afk for a week so my judgement is biased from a spotty timeline of events on charts— still catching up right now.

The majority of this was written on Wednesday, April 7th; after monitoring for a few days & most of the weekend I’ve been able to develop a further bias that the Beige Book history will likely repeat itself.
I hope this will help give more insight as to what next week holds.

Best of luck & pray 4 yo sheks mf’s !

Brypto Bainz

